Papaya Salad

This Papaya Salad is filled with delicious tropical fruits that will make your mouth and stomach very happy. Eat as a snack, for a quick breakfast, or after any meal.

I love when I can eat a delicious dish that also benefits my body. All the fruits in this salad have digestive enzymes that will help your stomach break down any other food you eat. Please note that heat kills digestive enzymes, so in order to fully benefit from this salad, only include fresh raw fruit.

The Benefits of Enzymes

In fact, while I was pregnant, I took a digestive supplement made from the enzymes in pineapple and papaya. So, here’s how to get it from the source! I’ll list the four main ingredients, their enzymes, and what they break down.

Papaya: My mother used papaya as a meat tenderizer, and this has been a popular practice for a very long time. This is made possible because of an enzyme in papaya called papain, which breaks down proteins, making them easier to digest. Papaya also contains lots of fiber and a high-water content, both good things for your digestive tract. Lastly, it contains more vitamin C than oranges, making it a great aid for your immune system.

Pineapple: Bromelain is a group of enzymes found in pineapples that also helps break down protein. It is also said to have anti-inflammatory properties, making it a good choice when your stomach is upset.

Mango: Contain amylase, which specializes in breaking down carbohydrates; specifically, complex carbohydrates, also known as starches, into simple sugars. The riper a mango gets, the more active the amylase is, which is why mangoes are so sweet!

Avocado: Since avocado is a fruit with lots of healthy fats, they also have an enzyme known as lipase, which breaks down large fat molecules into smaller ones. Your body does make lipase, however if your diet is high-fat or you’ve had a particularly high-fat meal, you may want to help your body out a little, making avocado a great choice.

How To Make Papaya Salad?

  • Cut your papaya in half and scoop out the seeds in the middle. If you want to add a little crunchy texture, a slight peppery taste, and a whole host of extra health benefits, reserve about a tablespoon of the seeds to add to the top of your salad later. Chop your papaya up into small chunks
  • Cut up your mango, avocado, and pineapple into similarly sized chunks. Note that you will probably not use your whole pineapple, so only cut what you need and save the rest for later.
  • Combine your fruit in a large bowl and pour lime juice on top. Gently stir.
  • Garnish with mint leaves, a pinch of salt to make the fruit flavours pop, and some papaya seeds if you’d like to add some crunch and a hint of pepper. Enjoy!
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